The company expects to commence production at the second well later this year.

The South White Rose project is estimated to have production capacity of around 15,000 barrels of oil per day (bopd).

Husky Energy CEO Asim Ghosh said: "South White Rose is Husky’s second major subsea satellite tieback following the successful North Amethyst subsea project..

"Both of these projects extend the life of the main White Rose field and use the SeaRose FPSO (floating production, storage and offloading) vessel."

Production from South White Rose and the planned Hibernia-level formation beneath the North Amethyst field will help offset the natural declines impact in the region, the company said.

With peak production capacity of 5,000 barrels per day, the Hibernia-level formation well start up is planned in the fourth quarter.

Husky Energy, which operates the South White Rose field, owns 72.5% interest in the main White Rose field and a 68.9% interest in the satellite fields, which include North Amethyst, South White Rose and West White Rose.