Located on approximately 16,700 acres in Donley and Gray counties , the power plant features Electricity Reliability Council of Texas’ (ERCOT) Competitive Renewable Energy Zone (CREZ) transmission infrastructure. It is planned to be commissioned by the end of 2016.

The municipal utility, Garland Power & Light (GP&L) will purchase the clean electricity and renewable energy credits (RECs) generated by the project under a long-term power purchase agreement (PPA).

Garland Power & Light general manager Jeff Janke said: "Our investment in wind helps to diversify GP&L’s energy portfolio while mitigating risk of volatile fuel prices.

"With this agreement, we will add another clean resource to the power supply mix that will benefit our customers for years to come."

The PPA comes after GP&L signed a deal to purchase a portion of output from EDF’s Spinning Spur 3 project in early 2014. The Spinning Spur 3 is scheduled to enter service later this year.

EDF RE executive vice-president Ryan Pfaff said: "The diligent collaboration between Cielo and EDF Renewable Energy demonstrates the value of long-term relationships; Salt Fork represents the third wind project we have successfully acquired from Cielo in late-stage development."

With the acquisition of Salt Fork project, EDF RE has 1,200MW assets under operation, construction or in development in Texas.