GulfSlope was the highest bidder at offshore lease sale 235 with the amount totalling $277,400. The company will now have control over 107,961 acres covering 19 prospects.

The blocks, South Addition 378 in Vermilion area and South Addition 102 in Grand Isle area, are situated on the outer shelf and upper slope, in water depths of less than 1,000ft.

GulfSlope said it spent a lot of time in preparation for the lease sale, using more than 1 million acres of 3D seismic data reprocessed with several technologies.

GulfSlope Energy chairman and CEO John Seitz said: "With these lease block awards, GulfSlope has added to its already significant and attractive prospect portfolio in the Gulf of Mexico.

"We expect to continue to add high quality exploration prospects through future lease sales and, to that end, technical work is already underway with additional prospects already identified."

GulfSlope’s bid on Ship Shoal Area in South Addition 285 was rejected by the BOEM.

The company has, to date, acquired 2.2 million acres of advanced seismic via a series of acquisitions and partnerships.