Located in PMP 38160 in the Taranaki basin, the well has initial production rate between 1,500 barrels of oil per day (bopd) and 2,000bopd.
The partners intend to determine optimal production rate of the well at a later date, based on reservoir management considerations. The Maari field currently produces approximately 15,000bopd.
The MR7A well was drilled to a depth of 4,220m from the Maari Well Head Platform, and started production from the Moki Formation reservoir unit. It is expected to materially contribute to field production.
The Maari Growth Project is being undertaken to increase reserves, production, and recovery from the Maari field.
OMV New Zealand operates PMP 38160 with 69% interest, while Todd Maari, Horizon Oil and Cue Taranaki have 16%, 10% and 5% stakes, respectively.