Full Notice To Proceed (NTP) on the $500 million project has been received from Poland’s Poludniowy Koncern Energetyczny (PKE)

The contract is valued at approximately $200 million.

“This boiler island represents a double world-first: the world’s largest CFB boiler and the world’s first supercritical CFB unit,” said Bernard H. Cherry, chief executive officer of Foster Wheeler’s Global Power Group. “The project marks a crucial step forward in bringing our CFB boiler technology to utility scale. By integrating the supercritical steam cycle and once-through technology into our CFB technology, we will be providing PKE a cutting edge engineering solution for the clean and efficient combustion of solid fuel.”

The new Lagisza unit, due for start-up at the beginning of 2009, will be built alongside PKE’s existing 840 MW power station at Lagisza, and is part of an ongoing program by PKE, one of Poland’s largest electricity utilities, to replace capacity.

Foster Wheeler has already undertaken pre-NTP phase activities, which included engineering and procurement services.