The work includes demolishing the existing 2237ft-long pier and stop log structure and replacing it with a new RCC spillway structure with new spillway gates. The headworks on the Minidoka Irrigation District and Burley Irrigation District canals, which show signs of serious concrete deterioration similar to the spillway, will also be removed and replaced. Construction is expected to begin in November 2011 and be completed by March 2015.

The project will replace deteriorating concrete that is over 100 years old, has increasingly difficult reliability and maintenance problems, and is constantly in need of repairs. These repairs will allow USBR to continue to meet its contractual obligations for water delivery, power generation, and compliance with the Endangered Species Act.

Minidoka Dam was constructed in 1906 as part of the Minidoka Project and is operated as one of six storage facilities on the Snake and Henrys Fork rivers. The multi-purpose project provides irrigation, power production, flood control, recreation, and fish and wildlife benefits.

Funding for this project comes from both Minidoka and Burley Irrigation Districts and Federal appropriated dollars.