
Rosatom’s subsidiary TVEL Fuel Company has signed two memorandums of understanding (MoU) with the National Atomic Energy Commission of Argentina and state-owned construction company Invap, for cooperation in the field of nuclear energy.

The MoUs will see TVEL supplying low-enriched uranium fuel and its components for power reactors in Argentina, and zirconium components of the nuclear fuel cycle.

Rosatom has signed a separate MoU to construct a 1,200MW nuclear power plant featuring VVER, the Russian version of the Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) in Argentina.

A preliminary project development agreement was also by JSC Rusatom Overseas and the Argentinian nuclear energy company Nucleoeléctrica Argentina for a nuclear power plant in Argentina.

Gazprom and Argentine National Petroleum Company YPF have signed a memorandum of cooperation in exploration, production and transmission of hydrocarbons in Argentina and third countries.

Russia’s state electricity holding firm Inter RAO Group has entered into an implementation protocol for Chihuido-1 hydro power plant in Argentina.

Image: Gazprom and YPF officials signing an agreement in the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Argentine President Cristina Fernandez. Photo: courtesy of RIA Novosti / Gazprom.