The Turkish Electricity Generation and Transmission Corporation (TEAS) is planning a new management system for its 154 kV and 380 kV grid together with associated power generation capacity. The aim is to help TEAS reduce energy losses and optimise generation and transmission capacities, while equipping itself to meet the ever more exacting demands of the Turkish energy market as it deregulates.

TEAS is a state-owned company, employing over 21 000 people and generated almost 65 per cent of Turkey’s electricity. It is also the sole operator of the power transmission grid (380/154 kV) which totals some 40 000 km in length. Its installed generating capacity is just under 18 000 MWe.

World bank credit

Recently, Siemens Power Transmission and Distribution Group and Siemens AS Istanbul beat off some stiff competition to secure an order worth around 20 million euros from TEAS for the grid energy management system. Financed with a credit from the World Bank, the scope of the contract includes the complete updating and expansion of all hardware and software belonging to the energy management system in the control room of the national load dispatch centre, the emergency control room in Ankara directly connected to it and the six regional load dispatch centres in Adapazari, Carsamba, Gölbasi, Isiklar, Keban and lkitelli. Priority tasks for Siemens include the training of TEAS employees to operate this powerful system.

The energy management system previously used by TEAS had reached the limits of its expandibility and serviceability; above all, it had become impossible to expand the existing database any further to handle the ever growing number of data points. An important factor influencing TEAS in its choice of new technology was its potential to accommodate future upgrades to incorporate products and functions suitable for Turkey’s energy market, which is undergoing rapid and dramatic change, like so many others around the world.

Sinaut Spectrum

The management system to be supplied by Siemens is built around the scaleable and expandable energy management system Sinaut Spectrum EMS. This system makes supply networks of virtually any size more economic to operate by minimising network losses. Moreover, it increases the reliability of power transmission because it promptly identifies critical operating parameters, even in grids which are not fully metered. Customised network analysis tools such as state estimation, bus scheduling, penalty factor calculation, outage scheduling, load flow calculation and network reduction run in the background to support system management functions. Other programs, including load/frequency control, reserve power monitoring, cost-effective load distribution, interchange scheduling, short-term load forecasting and hydro generation planning, handle generation control and scheduling tasks

A special simulator will be used to train TEAS personnel to operate the system and manage critical situations.

The hardware platform is based on workstations and servers from the OEM partner Sun Microsystems. Modems, telephone consoles for the operator terminals, routers for communications on the nationwide TEAS network, mimic boards and rear projection systems complete the hardware spectrum.

The local partner, Siemens AS Istanbul, will supply and install 60 remote terminal units with the latest Sicam RTU and Sicam SAS technology for substations and power plants. The Turkish Electricity Generation and Transmission Corporation will also gradually integrate 78 existing telecontrol units into the overall system.

By the middle of 2004, this energy management system, the first of its kind in Turkey, should be controlling and monitoring 138 transformer substations and power plants, so helping to reduce power outages and optimise generation scheduling in the country.

The systems for the national load dispatching centre and the emergency load dispatching centre in Ankara, as well as first two regional control centres, are currently being set up and tested prior to shipment, installation and commissioning. The remaining four systems will follow in phase 2 and will benefit from the operating experience gained with the initial systems.

Sinaut Spectrum meets international operating and protocol standards for communicating with other management systems. In the TEAS project, the various control systems (including those of neighbouring utility companies) will communicate with each other via the existing networks of TEAS using the IEC 60870-6 TASE2 protocol (ICCP). Database maintenance for the entire TEAS network will be based on the so-called Multisite Concept which allows data to be interchanged between all control systems. The new remote terminal units will be connected to the telecontrol interfaces of the load dispatching centres via the standard IEC 60870-5-101 protocol, while the existing units will use the proprietary F4F protocol.

Energy trading

With its modular structure, the system is flexible enough to respond to changing requirements in terms of size and scope of functions. The generation control and scheduling functions help to optimise power generation and minimise losses. Moreover, these functions allow the Turkish energy provider to define energy sales and to bill them efficiently – using the system’s energy trading interface.

The last of these tasks will also be the responsibility of the distribution system operator, the Turkish Electricity Distribution Corporation (TEDAS). TEDAS is currently consolidating its operations to meet the new parameters and is already putting plans in place to use customised IT solutions such as business planning, sales and marketing or energy forecasting.

Project profile: TEAS national load dispatch system