epri, via a grant from US Department of Energy (DOE) and industry co-funders, is working on the engineering design of an innovative hydro power turbine (Alden Turbine) with features that significantly reduce injury and mortality to fish.

Once the industry solicitation is launched, respondents can apply via a web-based application site. Two or three projects will be selected from among applications for detailed evaluation and a final site will be selected by the end of 2010. Future work, pending the availability of funds that EPRI will seek from industry and government sources, will focus on site design engineering and installation plans.

The ideal site should have between 40 and 80ft of head and flows ranging from 1000 to 2000 cfs. The demonstration site selected will complement a tentatively planned demonstration project at Brookfield Renewable Power’s School Street Hydroelectric Project in New York.

This project presents an opportunity for the successful applicant to lead the industry in completion of a strategic R&D initiative, obtain cost-share funds to minimize investment risks, potentially expedite project licensing and enhance opportunities to expand hydro power generation. Application involves no commitment to the future demonstration project at this time. Commitments will be established for the selected site in the future.

For additional information on this initiative, contact Douglas Dixon at ddixon@epri.com or 804-642-1025.

The EPRI Demo Project Application will be available shortly and associated with the Alden Research Laboratory Inc. website at www.aldenlab.com.