The deal, which is to take effect on 1 January 2010, involves the ownership and rights to 308.2GWh of electricity output per year.

In terms of assets, Vattenfall will take full ownership of the 52MW Pengfors plant while giving E.ON its stakes in the Gulsele and Hallby facilities.

As a result of those asset swaps, Vattenfall will gain 156GWh, or 65%, of the output from Pengfors while E.ON will benefit from a total of 243GWh, or 35%, of the generation at Gulsele and Hallby.

Beside the asset ownership swap, in terms of rights to output E.ON has access to 19.6% of generation from Vattenfall’s wholly-owned 140MW Lasele plant. The arrangement will end under the deal and result in 130.1GWh of output retained by Vattenfall.

The other parts of the ‘streamlining’ deal that will see rights to output ending are E.ON gaining full output from the Solleftea, Moforsen, Storfinnforsen and Ramsele plants, while Vattenfall gains similar from the Namforsen and Langbjorn facilities plus 39% of Graninge to have full production.