Under the contract, Itron distributor, the Dutton-Lainson Company, will supply and install more than 100,000 Itron electricity meters over the next 12 to 18 months in the region.

LES vice president of customer services Lisa Hale said: "Itron’s technology is an important component of our Mobile Meter Reading Project and is enabling LES to streamline its meter reading process, achieve system efficiencies and address business priorities.

"LES will use Itron’s solution with mobile collectors to improve day-to-day meter reading operations and reduce vehicle trips to the field."

Itron North America electricity vice president of sales and marketing Lou Gust said: "Itron and the Dutton-Lainson Company are glad to extend Itron’s metering solution to the rest of LES’ territory.

"Our solution will help LES better serve its customers while improving its operations."