The property is located 12km northwest of North Arrow Minerals Pikoo diamond discovery. Samples are collected as part of Alto’s 2014 till sampling program.
Alto said that 12 of 37 till samples collected from the West Fisher contained Cr-rich chromite KIM grains.
Of these, four samples have five chromite grains and are of particular interest as they contain chromium up to 66.33% Cr2O3.
Alto Ventures CEO Rick Mazur said: "The recovery of KIMs by Alto on the West Fisher claims is a strong indication that the diamond potential extends to the northwest of Pikoo.
"The recently announced discovery of three more kimberlites on the North Arrow Pikoo Property and delineation of multiple kimberlite indicator mineral dispersion trains on Alto’s adjoining GEFA Property provide further evidence that the North Sask Craton is emerging as a new diamond district in Canada."