Financial details of the contract have not been disclosed.

Under the five-year contract, which includes options for two one-year extensions, the group’s subsidiary Wood Group PSN (WGPSN) will deliver engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning services to the four offshore assets and two onshore facilities.

The contract also includes support for the Shetland Gas Plant (SGP), the onshore receiving facility for Laggan Tormore, which is due to commence production later this year.

WGPSN will continue to provide these services to the Alywn, Dunbar, Elgin and Franklin platforms and the St Fergus Gas Terminal.

Wood Group operates through three businesses including Wood Group PSN, Wood Group Kenny and Wood Group Mustang to provide a range of engineering, production support and maintenance management services to the oil & gas, and power generation industries

Wood Group PSN provides of pre-operations, hook up & commissioning, operations & maintenance, engineering, construction, project management, training and decommissioning services to the energy industry.