wind power

Owned by Enbridge, Keechi has 55 Vestas V100-2.0MW turbines installed to yield 430,000MWh annually.

The construction work of the project started in December 2013 and was completed in January this year.

Vestas will operate and maintain the turbines for the first five years.

RES Americas chief operating officer Andrew Fowler said: "The successful completion of the Keechi wind project included RES Americas self-performing the installation of 55 wind turbines."

The wind farm connects to Brazos Electric’s Joplin substation via a 12-mile generation tie line.

Electricity generated at the project will supplied into the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), under a 20-year power purchase agreement signed with Microsoft.

The project will also contribute to Enbridge’s Neutral Footprint program, which aims to generate a kilowatt of renewable energy for every additional kilowatt of conventional electricity that the company’s liquids pipelines operations consume, the company said.

About 250 jobs were created by the project during the peak of construction.

Image: RES Americas focuses on development of wind, solar, transmission, and energy storage projects in North America. Photo: courtesy of dan/