The latest expansion allows the plant’s output to increase to an existing gas production of 14 million cubic meters of gas per day.

According to the company, the development plan for the Margarita-Huacaya area is one of key growth projects in its 2012-2016 strategic plan. The expansion is part of the project and now in its final phase.

The project’s existing phase includes four new wells, of which Margarita 5 and 6 have already been completed. The first well is already producing gas, and in the next few weeks gas tests will be carried out in the second well.

Repsol chairman Antonio Brufau said that the company is demonstrating the partnership established with Yacimientos PetrolĂ­feros Fiscales Bolivianos and with the Bolivian state.

The Margarita and Huacaya fields cover an area of 123,000ha jointly where there are five wells in production at present and one in the testing phase, with depths between 4,000 and 6,000m.

Development will continue in phase II, where two new wells, Margarita 7-Margarita 8 will be drilled, and 2D and 3D seismic surveys will be carried out.

The Caipipendi consortium responsible for the new expansion project is operated by Repsol with 37.5%, partnered by BG (37.5%) and PAE E&P (25%).

The plant expansion was carried out by Spanish company TĂ©cnicas Reunidas, together with the Bolivian companies Inesco and Bolinter.