Under the terms of the MOU, Litgas will contract processing capacity at the LNG deepwater port located in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisiana.

Scheduled to enter service in 2019, the floating liquefaction, deepwater port will export LNG from the Gulf of Mexico.

Litgas general manager Dominykas Tuckus said: "We are actively investigating the potential supplies from the US, signing MoU with one of the first floating natural gas liquefaction project developers marks a significant step towards further potential cooperation, which in the long run can contribute to the objective of diversification of gas supplies in Lithuania."

The Delfin LNG will source pipeline quality feed gas from the US liquid natural gas market.

The floating liquefaction and export facility will feature onshore gas compression facilities, a 42-inch pipeline to transport natural gas offshore, and a deepwater port with four moorings and four floating liquefaction vessels.

Expected to have total export capacity of 13 million metric tons per annum, the port will be constructed in phases and is subject to regulatory approval.

Litgas said that the MoU is not binding in terms of selling or buying LNG.

The first LNG export terminal in the US is planned to commence operation in the second half of 2015.

Meanwhile, Delfin has signed a joint development contract with Höegh LNG, under which the latter will act as a co-owner, owner’s engineer and operator of the floating liquefaction vessels at the port terminal.