The 16/5-4 well is located in the southwestern part of the discovery, about 4km southwest of the dry appraisal well 16/5-2S and some 3km southeast of the successful 16/5-3 appraisal well drilled in the license.
Lundin said the well will investigate an area in the southwestern part of Johan Sverdrup discovery to assess reservoir level, thickness and quality of Jurassic discovery, which are uncertain.
The well is expected to confirm the existence of a producible oil zone and support plans to produce oil from the area.
The company will use the semi-submersible drilling rig Bredford Dolphin in drilling the well to a planned total depth of about 2,075m below mean sea level. Work is expected to last for 45 days.
Lundin operates production license PL501 with 40% interest, while Statoil Petroleum and Maersk Oil Norway hold 40% and 20% interests, respectively.