Under the unconditional order, awarded by Gestamp Wind subsidiary Gestamp Eólica, Vestas will supply 53 V110-2.0MW wind turbines for wind farms including Cabeço Preto III, V and VI as well as Macambira I and II.

The contract also comprises a 10-year full-scope service agreement featuring the Active Output Management (AOM) 4000 offering.

The AOM 4000 service package involves all necessary main components and material to enhance uptime and performance of the wind facilities.

Vestas is scheduled to deliver the turbines in the first quarter of 2016 while commissioning of Cabeço Preto and Macambira is expected to be in the second quarter and third quarter of 2016, respectively.

The Cabeço Preto and Macambira, which are expected to have a gross annual production capacity of 390GWh and 195GWh respectively, will provide electricity for approximately 200,000 people.

Vestas Mediterranean president Marco Graziano said: "This new order strengthens our position in Brazil and proves that the V110-2.0 MW turbine is a very competitive product in this market."