During the fiscal, the company is planning to treat 17.5 million tons, an 18% increase from the 14.8 million tons treated during the 2013 financial year.

It will include 10.7 million run-of-mine (RoM) tons treated in 2014, an increase of 18% compared with the 9.1-million RoM tons treated in 2013. The increase is driven by the increase in throughput at Cullinan, Williamson and Kimberley Underground.

Due to full-year production at the new Cullinan tailings plant, the tailings and Ebenhaezer treatment will increase by 19% to 6.8 million tons from 5.7 million tons during FY2013.

Petra Diamonds has stated that the company is well in line with long-term production target of 5 million carats per annum by FY2019.

For the fiscal 2014, the diamond miner has outlaid an investment of ZAR1.545bn ($156.9m) for South African operations, an increase of 8% from the previous year. The increase in capital expenditure is due to timing differences and planning revival at Cullinan, Koffiefontein and Kimberley Underground.