The shipping of copper concentrate marks the conclusion of a three-year, $6.2bn project to develp the first phase of Oyu Tolgoi, one of the top five copper mines worldwide.

Rio Tinto Copper chief executive Jean-Sebastien Jacques said, "Oyu Tolgoi starts production at a time when undeveloped quality copper assets are scarce and the outlook for copper continues to be strong. With continued development, Oyu Tolgoi will generate wealth for many decades to come."

The company said that all the permits required for exporting copper concentrate were obtained, along with Oyu Tolgoi board approvals as well as authorities necessary for continued concentrate sales.

Oyu Tolgoi mine is owned by Turquoise Hill Resources (66%), a unit of Rio Tinto and Erdenes Oyu Tolgoi (34%), wholly owned by the Government of Mongolia.

Shipment of copper from the mine has been delayed twice since the scheduled start date of 14 June.