The plant located on a 25 acre land within the Saltend Chemicals Park was developed by a consortium formed between AB Sugar, BP, and DuPont. The plant is estimated to produce 420 million liters of bio-ethanol at full capacity per annum.

Now in operation, the Vivergo plant is reported to be the largest wheat buyer in the UK with an input of 1.1 million tons required every year.

UK Business Secretary Vince Cable said: "Vivergo is a good example of how joint ventures, using the financial support and expertise of big companies, can not only create local jobs but also help meet the energy security and fuel demands of our country and support local farmers."

Vivergo managing director David Richards noted: "Our business is a great example of sustainable economic growth, ensuring that valuable commodities such as bioethanol and animal feed which ordinarily would have been imported are produced here in the UK.

Besides ethanol, the plant will also produce 500,000t of protein-rich animal feed every year.