The USACE approval, dated October 16, completes the project's major permit application process in the United States and Canada. ITC previously received a Presidential Permit from the U.S. Department of Energy as well as major permits from Canada's National Energy Board and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
The ITC Lake Erie Connector is a proposed 1,000 MW, bi-directional, high-voltage direct current (HVDC) underwater transmission line that would provide the first direct link between the markets of the Ontario Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) and PJM Interconnection LLC (PJM). The project would enable transmission customers to more efficiently access energy, capacity and renewable energy opportunities in both markets.
"We have now secured all the major permits needed to build the first direct power connection between Ontario and PJM – the largest electricity market in the world that includes all or part of 13 U.S. states with a population of more 60 million," said Terry Harvill, Ph.D., president, ITC Grid Development. "Customers on both sides of the border stand to benefit from this new electric interconnection that will open the door to electricity trading between these markets and help improve the security and reliability of both energy grids," said Dr. Harvill.
Additional benefits of the project include:
New opportunities to import and export clean power between the energy markets can help Ontario and U.S. states significantly reduce their emissions and achieve their carbon reduction goals.
Enhanced optionality for both markets to manage their energy needs and policy goals and respond to shifting supply/demand conditions, outages, and system planning requirements.
Flexibility for both energy markets, including during extensive nuclear plant refurbishments and plant retirements in Ontario.
Access to a larger fleet of competitive generation sources.
More efficient use of existing generation and transmission assets including the potential to increase renewable and non-emitting electricity.