
  • Gradient Array IP surveys have defined a zone of stro ng chargeability and coincident high resistivity spatially related to the Pamwa Zinc (Zn) Lead (Pb) Silver (Ag) mineralised zone.
  • Two lines of pole dipole IP survey spaced 200m apart h ave crossed the gradient chargeability anomaly. Modelling of the pol e-dipole data show there are strong chargeability anomalies that correlate to the mineralised zone.
  • The IP anomalies derived from these surveys give the co mpany confidence that the system intersected by shallow RAB drilling in July this year has substantial depth and strike potentia l which has not been tested by the existing drilling.
  • Diamond drill testing of the Pamwa Zn, Pb, Ag mineralised system and Akelikongo Nickel sulphide mineralised system will commence i n late January.

A total of two strike km were surveyed by gradient array IP over the known Pamwa system area as defined by soil geochemistry and also shallow RAB drilling. In addition two pole dipole lines 9600N an d 9400N (local grid) were surveyed over the strongest gradient array anomalies.

Induced Polarisation (IP) is an electrical geophysical me thod which measures the chargeability or IP effect within the subsurface due to the presence of metallic lustre sulphides. Modelling of the resistivity and IP data pro duces chargeability anomaly depth sections which can be interpreted as potential su lphide accumulations and therefore used to target drilling.

IP and resistivity surveys can be used to detect and map ec onomic mineral deposits, in particular those associated with both disseminated and massive sulphide mineralisation. One of the major strengths of IP is tha t the method has been used to map disseminated sulphides in Broken Hill type systems whi ch are often not measurable with electromagnetic technologies and methods.

The known Zn mineralisation in drilling and the Zn soi l anomaly are associated with an interpreted regional scale structural zone which separ ates more resistive rocks to the northeast from less resistive rocks to the southwest.

The Pole Dipole model sections 9600N and 9400N confirm the chargeability anomalies in the third dimension.

The modelled IP depth section for line 9600N has a centrally located very strong IP anomaly of 60mSec. This anomaly is located at depth which is 100m below the existing drilling (LMC024) and is also 100m to th e south along strike from LMC010 (5m@2%Zn, 0.23%Pb). To the south west, a second very strong IP anomaly of 50mSec. has no nearby drilling. It is associat ed with the second gradient array IP anomaly trend.