IWP&DC welcomes any additions or updates to existing information that is published in all of the tables in the Yearbook. Compiling the tables is a year-round task and so we welcome information from readers at any time.

If you would like to contribute to the Dams and Hydro Plants, Pumped Storage Plants or RCC Dams tables, please contact Tracey Honney, Assistant Editor, IWP&DC Yearbook, Progressive House, Maidstone Road, Foots Cray, Sidcup, Kent DA14 5HZ, UK. Tel: +44 208 269 7767, fax: +44 208 269 7804, email: thonney@progressivemediagroup.com

If you would like to help the authors who compile the remaining tables, please contact them directly:

Concrete Faced Rockfill Dams =50m

Bayardo Materón & Associates, Av Giovanni Gronchi 5445, Sala 172, São Paulo, SP, CEP: 05724-003, Brazil Tel: +55 11 3744 8951, Fax: +55 11 3743 4256, Email: bmateron@ajato.com.br

Asphalt Concrete Core Dams

Helge Saxegaard, Kolo Veidekke, PO Box 508 Skøyen, N-0214 Oslo, Norway, Tel: +47 21 055050, Fax: +47 21 055051, Email: helge.saxegaard@veidekke.no

Large Hydro Power Caverns & Hydro Power Shafts

Klaus Hönisch, Fichtner GmbH & C. KG, Hydropower, Infrastructure and Water Technology Department, Sarweystrasse 3, 70191 Stuttgart, Germany. Tel: +49 711 89 95 0 763, Fax: +49 711 89 95 459. Email: hoenischk@fichtner.de.

Please ensure that you have followed the layout for the tables as published in the Yearbook. You need to provide information as directed under the different columns in each table. Wherever possible please provide the name of, and contact details for, the project owner. If the tables use any keys for abbreviations it is important to make sure that these are followed.

To make updates and submitting new information easier, the editorial team can provide existing data or a table template as an Excel file. Contact thonney@progressivemediagroup.com for more details. If you are amending data on a hard copy of existing tables, please make sure all information is marked clearly.

When submitting information please indicate which table the information is intended for, and whether the data is for a new entry or to update an existing entry. We are happy to credit those who contribute towards any of the tables. Please let us know if you would like your name and company details added to the list of acknowledgements.

FilesDams & Hydro