The hole was drilled at -60° dip towards the southeast and intersected bedrock 57m down the hole.

The company said that the drilling continued to 159m and intersected granitic pegmatite, granite, limonitized semi-pelite and chloritized pelite.

At 75 to 78.5m, 117 to 117.4m and 119.4 to 120m down the hole, there were three friable sections within the hole associated with hydrothermal alteration which are potentially fault zones.

Uranium mineralization was identified at 85, 91, 106.5 and 147m down hole and samples have been collected and will be sent for assay.

During rotary air blast drilling, the hole MG14RB-0012A intersected granitic and semi-pelitic bedrock at around 10m, hole MG14RB-0013A yielded calc-silicate bedrock at 9.7m and MG14RB-0014A intersected semi-pelite bedrock at 11.3m.