RPL plans to pre-qualify companies/unincorporated JVs through international competitive bidding in respect of the following works:

• THPPL/Package-1: EPC execution of civil works covering infrastructure works, diversion arrangement, dam, intake and other appurtenant works including associated hydromechanical works (completion time 52 months).

• THPPL/Package-2: EPC execution of civil works covering infrastructure works, headrace tunnel, surge shaft, pressure shaft, penstock, powerhouse complex, tailrace tunnel including associated hydromechanical works (completion time: 52 months).

Pre-qualification documents may be obtained from the office of RPL on submission of formal request through mail or email. Completed application should be sent by 26 December 2011.

Qualified bidders would be required to quote separately in sealed envelopes for:

A. Goods of foreign origin i.e. imported goods.

B. Offshore services.

C. Goods of Indian origin.

D. Civil works.

E. Erection, testing and commissioning services.

Mr Rejeev Prasad (Sr.Mgr)/Mr Subashish Sarkar (VP)
Central Procurement Group, C/O Reliance Power Ltd., D Block, DAKC, Navi Mumbai 400 710, Maharashtra, India.
Tel: +91 22 30382738/30383369.
Fax: +91 22 30382879.
Email: rajeev.prasad@relianceada.com, subashish.sarkar@relianceada.com