The utility will use AT&T’s Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), Smart Grid Meter Data Management, and other smart grid applications to upgrade its smart grid infrastructure, reduce operational costs, and improve customer service.

AMI for electric meter provides wireless communication of up to date information on electricity consumption and voltage and also notifies about abnormal levels or loss of voltage.

AT&T’s Meter Data Management will help Duck River manage the new information from smart grid devices, such as smart meters, sensors, and the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system, to improve service and provide new services like prepaid electricity to members.

In addition, the company will provide professional and project management services to integrate all solution components.

AT&T Business Solutions Advanced Mobility Solutions vice president Mike Troiano said, "The ability to communicate with remote devices over AT&T’s network can dramatically improve customer service and efficiency levels, as well as lower costs."