The plant will be built on the Kelani River, one of the major rivers in Sri Lanka. The Broadlands power plant will be the last power station of the already built Laxapana cascade system with a total installed capacity of 350MW.

Under the terms of contract, CNEEC will design, construct and commission the 35MW project, which includes a 24m high 114m long concrete dam, a 19m high, 48m long diversion dam, an 850m long diversion tunnel, 3.5km long headrace tunnel, surface power station and a 132KV transmission line.

Environmental clearance, as per the government regulations has also been granted for this project.

Construction works are scheduled to start in early 2011 and will be completed within four years.

Financing for the project is provided by commercial loans provided by Industrial & Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) and the People’s Bank of Sri Lanka.

Upon completion, the project is expected to add 126GWh of energy to the national grid annually.