The Byron Generating Station is located in the Ogle County in the US state of Illinois about 25 miles southwest of Rockford.

It has two units together generating approximately 2,300MW of power, which is enough to power 2.3 million homes.

During the scheduled refueling outage at the nuclear plant, employees of the company performed over 12,000 activities at the plant including safety inspections, tests, and plant improvements.

The company also refurbished the internal structure of the Unit 2 cooling tower and performed improvements to allow the tower to more efficiently cool water for use in the electrical generation process.

The work and inspections were designed to improve Byron Station’s operational strength, improve multiple layers of safety and ensure the facility’s ability to provide clean, safe and reliable electricity through the unit’s next 18-month operating cycle.

Unit 1 of the nuclear plant operated at its full power during the outage of Unit 2.