Ventyx has entered the $6.5m deal with TRANSELECTRIC, the utility operating Ecuador’s transmission grid, and Ecuador’s National Energy Control Center (CENACE), which manages the Ecuadorian wholesale electricity market.

The company will upgrade network management software to the latest Ventyx solution to help the operators better manage energy and monitor the utilization of the electricity and transmission network assets.

The upgrade project has been undertaken in response to the Ecuador Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Resources’ new national smart grid policy which mandates the utilities to establish power grid operation and optimization strategies to support the modernization of electricity assets and services.

Ventyx, as part of the agreement, will provide long-term service, maintenance and support to improve the transmission grid’s safety, efficiency and reliability.

The company will also provide round the clock software support to TRANSELECTRIC and CENACE over a multi-year term, as well as maintenance to keep Ecuador’s transmission platform up to date with the latest technology standards.

Ventyx will also upgrade TRANSELECTRIC and CENACE’s systems with the same version of software allowing each system to provide emergency backup support to the other as needed.