Abstracts are now being excepted for the conference’s technical programme. Prospective speakers are invited to propose topics within the following subjects:

• Commercial diving.

• ROVs.

• AUVs.

• Sonar.

• Acoustics.

• Underwater inspections.

• Underwater construction/repairs.

• Training/education.

• Legal and regulatory.

• Safety issues.

• Certification.

• Underwater cutting/welding.

• Equipment maintenance.

• Bid specifications.

• Military issues.

The deadline for abstract submission is 15 July 2006 and the final papers are due on 15 December 2005.

Further information about the conference, and submitting papers, can be obtained from: Rebecca Roberts, Conference Manager. Tel: +1 281 893 8539. Email: rroberts@adc-int.org.

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Underwater Intervention