Located in the production license 505 (PL505), this 25/10-11 well was drilled using the Transocean Winner rig to a depth of 4,534m below sea surface and terminated in Jurassic sediments.

The company discovered three separate hydrocarbon bearing Jurassic sandstones sequences with poor reservoir quality.

Marathon Oil said that the uppermost oil bearing interval comprised a 6-8m thick sand sequence immediately below the Draupne shale.

The company also sampled hydrocarbons from an underlying 285m thick Upper Jurassic sequence, and a 150m thick interval from this sequence was production tested.

During this testing, oil and gas flowed to surface, but a sustainable stable flow was not achieved.

Marathon Oil also encountered hydrocarbons in a 20-30m thick Middle/Upper Jurassic sequence above target depth.

The 25/10-11 well was the first exploration well in PL505, which is operated by Marathon Oil.

Marathon Oil holds a 35% interest in the license and its project partners are Lundin Petroleum (30%), VNG Norway (20%) and Maersk Oil Norway (15%).