The holes were drilled with a combination of diamond core and reverse circulation drills with the objective of expanding and upgrading mineral resources potentially amenable to underground extraction.

Hole MTC-117, originally drilled in 2008, was deepened in this year and intersected 10m averaging 11g/t Au and 3.6g/t Ag starting at a hole depth of 584m along with associated base metals.

This intersection extends the Carmen structure and provides additional confirmation that the geological environment in this structure is favourable for high grade gold-silver mineralization.

The company said the intersection in MTC-117 is roughly 150m along strike from hole MTRD-476 that intersected 78.4g/t gold and 127.9g/t silver over 5.2m.

The high grade zones in the extension to hole MTC-117 are coincident with the projection of the Carmen structure and are located at the 1820m elevation, broadly the same elevation as the high grade mineralization intersected in hole MTRD-476.

The deepened hole intersected base metal veins similar to those intersected at Carmen at hole MTRD-476, with lesser grades of lead, zinc and copper.

Drill holes MTRD-493 to 497 were also designed to drill test the Carmen structure at depth.