Costain and CCISC are working for National Grid’s seven-year LPT project that aims at rewiring London through deep underground tunnels to meet the increasing electricity demand and help the city access the renewable energy of the future.

National Grid London Power Tunnels senior project manager John Trounson said the company always works on new efficient ways to deliver its vital work in connecting people to their energy supplies.

"These new innovations we’re trialling on our project have the potential to create big savings on costs and resources in the future," Trounson added.

The LPT project involves designing 32km of tunnels with rewiring to provide the citizens with safe and reliable electricity supplies for decades to come.

Costain and CCISC planned an innovative idea to use optical fibres within the concrete tunnel segments to measure axial and bending strain levels of the tunnel lining in a distributed manner.

The instruments will gather data to help university researchers understand the performance of tunnel linings during and after construction.

Researchers will use the data to measure the potential efficiency savings in construction of the tunnel segments.

LPT project team members are working with the CCISC on a trial of the new distributed optical fibre strain measurement system.