This well follows the commencement of drilling of the Zitong-1 well in mid-June 2010.

Yixin-2 well is being drilled as a twin well of Yixin-1, a well drilled by Sunwing in 2007 that generated preliminary gas flow rates, which could not be confirmed before the well was shut-in due to a surface equipment failure during the initial hours of the testing program.

Yixin-2 will be directionally drilled to allow the second wellbore to be located within 100m of the Yixin-1 at total depth.

Yixin-2 is targeting gas in fractured reservoir formations similar to those that have led to enormous gas developments in various tight gas projects in North America.

Total depth of the Yixin-2 well is planned to be approximately 4,200m and it is expected to take up to six months to drill and test the well for an total expected cost of $8.5m.

Design of any stimulation of the well using fracing technologies will be determined following evaluation of the test results.

At the Zitong-1 well, the rig has run and cemented the 9 5/8 inch intermediate casing to a depth of 3,018m.

Following pressure testing of the casing and blow-out preventers, drilling will continue to move ahead to a planned total depth of approximately 4,500 metres.

The Zitong-1 and Yixin-2 wells are targeting structures with natural gas potential in the range of 0.3 to 0.5 trillion cubic feet.