The report concluded there are no environmental impacts that would preclude license renewal for an additional 20 years of operation.

The current operating license of the nuclear station expires on 18 January 2014.

Nebraska Public Power District submitted an application to the NRC in September 2008 to extend the Cooper Nuclear Station license by 20 years.

As per NRC regulations, the original operating license for a nuclear power plant has a term of 40 years.

The license may be renewed for up to an additional 20 years if NRC requirements are met and therefore if approved, the current operating license for the nuclear station would be extended until 18 January 2034.

Publication of the final environmental impact statement does not represent final NRC action on the license renewal application.

The agency staff has completed its safety evaluation report that will be evaluated by NRC’s Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) and the ACRS will make its recommendations before the agency makes a final decision.