Kodiak completed and flow-tested the MC #13-34-28-2H well, in which the company has 59% working interest and 48% net revenue interest.

The well was completed in 15 stages through a 6,200ft horizontal wellbore. The company said that after flow testing for the past six days, the well has now stabilized to report a 24-hour initial production rate.

The MC #13-34-28-2H well recorded 24-hour initial production rates of 1,870 barrels of oil per day (bopd) and 1.1 million cubic feet of natural gas (mmcf) per day, or 2,055 barrels of oil equivalent (boe) per day. Kodiak completed the 24-hour production test utilizing a 22/64″ choke with flowing casing pressure of 2,525psi.

Since the flow test began on August 2, 2010, the well has cumulative production of 6,546 barrels of oil and 4.5mmcf of natural gas, or 7,298boe. During the last four days of full production, the well has produced 5,495 barrels of oil and 3.9mmcf of natural gas, or 6,140boe for an average of 1,535boe per day.

Kodiak will next complete the MC # 13-34-28-1H offset well drilled from the same pad. This well is a 9,800ft horizontal lateral and is slated for completion in the third quarter of 2010 with 22 stages in its design.