Foster Wheeler’s scope of work includes technical assistance through the initial phases of the development of the project, conceptual design of the terminal, and development of the invitation to bid for the role of owner and operator of the terminal.
The owner/operator role will include the responsibility for, among other elements, the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract. Foster Wheeler’s scope also includes the supervision of the EPC contractor.
The project will supply natural gas for local consumption in Uruguay and will also supply gas to help meet demand in Argentina. It will use the existing natural gas infrastructure between both countries, called Cruz del Sur Gas Pipeline, which connects Montevideo to Buenos Aires through an underground structure of about 200km long, 50km of them beneath Río de la Plata, to deliver up to six million cubic meters per day of natural gas to the Greater Buenos Aires area.
The promoters of the LNG terminal are the state-owned companies ANCAP, UTE of Uruguay and ENARSA of Argentina. The project will involve a process that includes the selection of a private enterprise by the promoters to act as developer, owner and operator of the terminal, and the award by the promoters of other contracts for supply of LNG to the terminal.