Diamond drilling in Phase II exploration will include 10 to 12 diamond drill holes (up to 1250m total program) targeting high soil responses across the 1.5 km length of Anomaly B, the most advanced of three emerging target areas on the property.

2018 Phase 1 Program Summary

The completed Phase I programs included soil geochemistry and access improvement in preparation for Phase II drilling.  The 2018 soil program included sampling (371 samples) at three large soil geochemical anomalies (B, C and D) which occur over a 6.5 km length of the property.

Anomaly B

Anomaly B was initially sampled by InZinc in 2017 with high zinc in soils returned over a 1.5 km length.  Infill and expansion surveys during 2018 support multi-horizon anomalies over 1.5 km length, defining numerous priority (strongly anomalous) areas in preparation for drilling.

Phase II plans include 10 to 12 diamond drill holes (up to 1250m total program) at Anomaly B.  Drilling will target high zinc in soil and focus on the 500m southern portion of the anomaly and an area located 200m to the north where similar high zinc in soil responses occur over a 300m length.

Anomaly C

At Anomaly C initial wide spaced soil geochemistry programs in 2017 outlined a 600m length of anomalous soils.

Infill and expansion soil surveys in 2018 improved survey density and outlined a central core area (300m by 175m area) of multi-station zinc in soils ranging from greater than 1100 ppm to 6314 ppm (0.63%) zinc.

Southern extension lines also returned high multi-station zinc responses (up to 3165 ppm zinc). The anomaly now measures 700m in length and remains open for further sampling to the south.  Further ground work including soils, mapping and prospecting is required to evaluate the area prior to drilling.

Anomaly D

Initial, wide-spaced reconnaissance soil lines in 2018 returned numerous high zinc (greater than 500 ppm to 2654 ppm zinc) responses in soils over a 600m by 800m area.  Further ground work, including detailed soils and mapping is required to assess the anomaly.

West Desert Update

InZinc has completed its first phase of exploration drilling at its West Desert zinc project (100%) in Utah, having completed 3500m of drilling in 5 deep holes.

The final assays of hole 5 are being rerun and should be received this week and will then be released to the markets.  Based on the results, the Company will plan the next phase of drilling.

Source: Company Press Release