The latest software reportedly takes less time to read meters and ensures meter reading access in all types of environments.

GPS Reading System comes with global positioning capabilities and an innovative user interface that offers the ability to automatically detect and read all radio-equipped meters around the meter reader.

"Itron’s system displays meter location and alarm status within Google Earth or other mapping software on mobile computers," the company noted in a release.

"This new application has been implemented at a number of utilities, including Mumbai, India as a part of one of Itron’s biggest automated meter reading deployments in Asia."

Itron Water product marketing systems director Thomas Kressin said that the GPS add-on to AnyQuest mobile reading system is a time-saver for customers.

"The system allows utilities to read meters more than three times faster than with the previous mobile system and makes route sequence optimization obsolete, thus saving the utility time and money," Kressin added.