REP Round 2 was designed to encourage greater participation by Indigenous communities in Alberta’s broader electricity sector and the development of renewable electricity. Capstone and Sawridge were awarded and executed three Renewable Electricity Support Agreements (RESAs) for their Buffalo Atlee 1, 2 and 3 projects.

The partnership between Capstone and Sawridge First Nation demonstrates a shared commitment to deliver affordable, clean, renewable wind power to Albertans.

Capstone Infrastructure CEO David Eva said: “We are extremely pleased to be investing in Alberta with our partner, the Sawridge First Nation. The development, construction, and operations of the Buffalo Atlee Wind Farm will provide significant environmental benefits, create jobs, drive local economic activity, and deliver excellent value to Alberta ratepayers.

“We look forward to completing this exciting project in Alberta, which has become a destination of choice for renewable energy investment.”

Sawridge Chief Roland Twinn said: “We share the pleasure of the announcement with our partners Capstone. This project is a great step for Sawridge First Nation as it helps us move forward in our continued endeavors towards self reliance, while balancing the need for energy and protecting Mother Earth for our future generations.”

Source: Company Press Release