This go-live announcement follows a successful testing period where active power transfers have been taking place between Belgium and the UK.
This interconnector is a major event for Elia and National Grid (UK). Not only is it the first interconnector with the UK, but also the first subsea interconnector and the first time the transmission system operator has employed HVDC (High-Voltage Direct Current) technology. HVDC is ideal for this kind of project because the two grids are not synchronized. It also controls flows better. This cable is the first of its kind in the world. Designed in Japan, it is unique due to the voltage involved (400 kV) and its use of XLPE (cross-linked polyethylene) as insulation material.
Testphase successfully completed
In January 2019 the testing-phase was successfully ended. This was the final before the go-live. From 30th January Nemo Link will immediately enter service and play a role in integrating the European power grid. Elia and National Grid are making their infrastructure available to the market operators, i.e. the main players involved in exchanging electricity between Belgium and the UK. This will yield a better energy future for consumers in both countries while encouraging the transition to a sustainable and affordable system. Nemo Link is expected to see 1000 MW in electricity exchanges (equivalent to the capacity of a nuclear reactor), a significant plus in terms of ensuring security of supply.
The culmination of 10 years of work
Nemo Link is a collaborative effort organised by Elia (Belgium) and National Grid (UK), which created a joint venture with a mixed Belgian-British team. The go-live of the Nemo Link interconnector marks the culmination of an enormous project that took nearly 10 years to complete. It never could have succeeded without the determined efforts of the men and women who worked together to complete the project.
Source: Company Press Release