Elektriciteits-Produktiemaatschappij Zuid (EPZ) is the operator of the 485MW Borssele nuclear power plant, located in the northwest of the Netherlands.

Three casks of used fuel are being rail transported to Areva la Hague plant in France, where it will be processed to recycle 96% of the valuable materials.

The remaining 4% radioactive waste will be put through a vitrification process for safe and stable confinement and returned to EPZ.

The latest shipment is fully compliant with safety criteria defined by the International Atomic Energy Agency, the company said.

Areva and EPZ have put in place a contract for processing and recycling 350t of nuclear waste, of which 288.2t has already been delivered and about 255t already treated.

Signed in 1978, the contract operates in accordance with the intergovernmental agreement between France and The Netherlands.