This is a production single bore horizontal well with the measured depth of 3.5 kilometers. The horizontal section of the well is 1.2 kilometers. The initial well flow reached 2.4 thousand tonnes of oil per day. As a result, the daily oil production at the field increased to 16.8 thousand tonnes. 

As of today, the Company started to drill an injection well. Further execution of the drilling program at the Phase 2 of the field's development will allow to stabilize production at the designed plateau of 6 million tonnes on an annualized basis.


 Vladimir Filanovsky field was put into operation in the Russian sector of the Caspian Sea in 2016. Its initial recoverable reserves amount to 129 million tonnes of oil and 30 billion cubic meters of gas.

The field is being developed in the three phases.

Phase 1 facilities were commissioned in 2016 and include a fixed ice resistant platform, an accommodation block platform, a riser block and a central processing platform. Eight wells were drilled at the Phase 1 (6 production and 2 injection wells).

Phase 2 facilities include a fixed ice resistant platform and an accommodation block platform.

The construction of the wellhead platform, field's Phase 3 development, started in 2017.

All of the offshore facilities installed at LUKOIL's Caspian Sea fields were manufactured by the Russian shipyards.