The B-41 well offsets Corridor’s Green Road G-41 vertical well which flowed natural gas following fracing operations in two separate intervals within the Frederick Brook shale formation. Completion and testing operations at B-41 are not expected to begin until later in the year.

The company also said that it has mobilized a coiled tubing drilling rig and the associated equipment to Port Menier on Anticosti Island in preparation for drilling four onshore oil exploration wells on the Island this summer. It is expected that the drilling operations will commence at the first well (Jupiter) around the beginning of July.

The primary objective of the program is to evaluate the potential for light oil production from the carbonates of the Trenton/Black River formation. It is partnered with Petrolia of Quebec for all four wells.

As part of the planned drilling program, Corridor and Petrolia plan to cut a conventional core in the oil saturated Macasty shale (Utica equivalent) in one of the wells to evaluate the shale oil potential of this formation. The Macasty shale blankets the entire island and is estimated by Corridor to contain very large volumes of oil-in-place within the Corridor/Petrolia joint lands (approximately 1.6 million acres).

The company has completed perforating the seven inch casing over several sand intervals within a horizontal section of the L-37 wellbore in the McCully Field. Initial efforts to flow test the well without stimulation have resulted in relatively low rates of natural gas production.

The well is currently shut in for a pressure build-up before conducting further testing operations. Corridor retains the option to frac a portion of the completion interval if necessary, depending upon the results of the current testing program.