The company said that the growth in net profit was given by higher production, a rise in wholesale prices, operating cost savings and the results of CEZ Group’s activities abroad. The contribution of foreign activities to the operating profit was CZK6 billion in 2007, which was 27% more than in 2006.
The electricity generation in CEZ Group’s power plants, including outland power plants reached 73.8TWh in 2007, a 12.6% increase when compared to electricity generation in 2006.
Martin Roman, chairman and CEO of CEZ, said: We are now concentrating not only on further improvement of effectiveness of single processes within entire CEZ Group, but we are also putting emphasis on the renewal of our sources, because these investments will predetermine our success in the next decades. The renewal of our domestic coal-fired power plants is gaining pace; we have already invested CZK7.5 billion.