In some block there have been introduced time restrictions on seismic surveys.

The 20th licensing round is an important contribution to new industrial activity and jobs at a time when Norway is in the middle of a serious economic situation. The licensing round is also part of the effort to increase petroleum activities in the northern areas of Norway. The awards will contribute to a steady level of activity on the Norwegian Continental Shelf and counteract future production decline, thereby maintaining the important role of Norway as a reliable and predictable supplier of energy, says Minister of Petroleum and Energy Terje Riis-Johansen.

The decision process on the 20th licensing round has run parallel to the work with the new management plan for the Norwegian Sea. The management plan will be put forward soon and the awards are in line with the new management plan.

It is important to impose strict conditions relating to environmental and fisheries concerns to the companies receiving awards in the 20th licensing round. Block-specific conditions with among others time restrictions on exploration wells and seismic surveys will balance environmental, fisheries and petroleum concerns in a good way, says Riis-Johansen.

Around 34 companies are offered participating interests in production licenses, and 15 companies are offered operator ships in the 20th licensing round. One company, North Energy AS, is offered its first operator ship on the Norwegian continental shelf.

It is positive for the diversity on the NCS that North Energy has proved competitive for operator ships in the 20th licensing round. Originating in northern Norway, North Energy can make an important contribution to developing petroleum activity in the region, says Riis-Johansen.

In line with the Government policy of openness, an announcement proposal for the 20th licensing round was for the first time sent on a public consultation. For the first time also, after the deadline for applications the blocks applied for was also made available for the public.

By the deadline for applications on November 7, 2008, 46 companies has applied for production licenses in the 20th licensing round. The announcement of the 20th licensing round was June 27, 2008 and comprised 79 blocks in the Barents and Norwegian Sea.