Following a successful open season for its Phase V project, Maritimes has executed a commercial agreement with a subsidiary of EnCana to transport up to 170,000 dekatherms per day (Dth/d) year-round, and an additional 30,000Dth/d during the winter months.

Maritimes said that the Phase V project continues its efforts to add incremental supplies from diverse sources to ensure that Atlantic Canada and the Northeast markets of the mid-Atlantic and New England states have access to ample natural gas.

The project proposes to increase the capacity of the approximately 330-mile US portion of the Maritimes system through the installation of additional compression at existing compressor stations, and a short length of pipeline loop within an existing corridor.

Enhancing existing facilities will help to limit the proposed project’s impacts to landowners, communities and the environment, the company said. Maritimes expects to place the approximately $240 million project into service in November 2010.

Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline is owned by affiliates of Spectra Energy with a 77.53% stake, Emera with 12.92% and ExxonMobil with a 9.55% stake.