Enel stated that earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization were over E10 billion in 2007, a 25% increase in comparison to E8 billion in 2006.

Net financial debt at the end of 2007 amounted to E56 billion, an increase of E44.3 billion compared to 2006, mainly due to the acquisition of a 67.05% stake in Endesa and the proportionate consolidation of its debt.

In 2007, Enel generated approximately 154.6TWh of electricity, compared to 131.4TWh in 2006. Enel distributed 300.8TWh over its own networks in 2007, compared to 267.6TWh in 2006, and sold 196.3TWh of electricity in 2007, compared to 159.9TWh in 2006.

The Enel Group generated 60.4TWh of electricity outside of Italy in 2007, in comparison to 27.5TWh in 2006. Distribution outside of Italy amounted to 45TWh, compared to 12.6TWh in 2006. Electricity sales outside of Italy totaled 53.9TWh in 2007, compared to 17.2TWh in 2006.