The use of VOCs in the SGT-300 cogeneration system designed for industry is a waste-to-energy technology for major sources of environmentally regulated VOCs in the manufacturing, petrochemical, synthetic and organic manufacturing industries, Siemens said.

The SGT-300 is designed to operate on a wide range of gaseous and liquid fuels and is equipped with a dual-fuel dry low emissions combustion system, meeting the most stringent legislation for nitrogen oxides, Siemens claims.

According to the company, this combustor design is suitable for the ingestion of vaporized and gaseous VOCs, which are thermally oxidized into the end-products carbon dioxide and water. This means that the waste VOC emissions can be captured, conveyed and ingested into the air intake of the turbine.

Not only are the harmful hydrocarbons destroyed but the VOC is utilized in the combustion chamber as a supplemental fuel in addition to the natural gas fuel that is directly injected into the combustor to fuel the operation of the engine, the company added.

Siemens Energy has recently entered into an agreement with Environment & Power Systems International (EPSI) to collaborate with industrial customers in US on CHP project solution incorporating the destruction of unwanted volatile organic compounds (VOC).

This technology has been demonstrated in an industrial application in the Netherlands. Full-size design verification, or ‘spiking’ testing of the SGT-300 turbine at Siemens’ test facility in Houston, Texas, has shown that the combustion temperature, residence time and mixing capabilities of the SGT-300 are sufficient to ensure acceptable burn-out of a wide range of concentrations and variants of VOC in the air.

Steve Sexton, president of EPSI, said: “The destruction efficiency of regulated volatile organic compounds (VOC) by the Siemens 7.9MW(e) SGT-300 VOC CHP solution significantly enhances the value of a typical economic sensitivity model for a CHP system operating at industry.

“Given the goals of the USEPA and the USDOE to strategically deploy DG/CHP throughout the power grid, the opportunity for energy efficiency and sustainable operations for industry is at hand.”